Sunday, May 2, 2010


So far the class has been up to my expectations. everyone puts in their group work and parcipitation. Thanks to professor luke it is real easy going, active and understanding. to be honest, im use to writing papers, this blog post is new to me and took some time to adjust. i would rather have papers to write but this blog post makes life a bit easier. Blog posting made my understanding to a story and procedure to do a blog much more defined by reading other collegues post's. To be honest with the viewer's of my blog post, comming into the class i knew i was going to pass with flying colors, everything was going to go smoothly as last term, but i guess not, i didnt apply myself as much after my aunt had passed away so im just stuck in a floating cloud most of the times. school is a priority and i understand what has to be done and i did slack.
its not too late so lets see how it goes !

1 comment:

  1. Chris, i'm jealous of your ability to write. For me it is always a struggle and it is taking me a lot of time and that's why I will agree with you on the idea that blog is a bit easier to do and like you I also would prefer to write more papers.
